Cryo body-sculpting or cryolipolysis, is a cosmetic treatment that removes excess fat in stubborn areas. It works by freezing fat cells, killing and breaking them down in the process. It's a non-invasive procedure, meaning it does not involve cuts, anesthesia, or instruments entering the body. Cryotherapy body sculpting is a revolutionary alternative to liposuction and crash diets. This treatment is natural and non-invasive, leaving you pain free, time rich and feeling great.

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Cryo body-sculpting is a fat reduction method that targets fat in body areas that are more challenging to remove through diet and exercise. As with other forms of cryolipolysis, it uses freezing temperatures to break down fat cells. Fat cells are more affected by cold temperatures than other cells. This means that the cold does not damage other cells, such as the skin or underlying tissue.

In reaction to the extreme cooling many natural biological reactions take place. The nerves at skin level shrink away allowing a numbing effect, which prevents any discomfort while the skin is effectively frozen for a short period of time.

The body has a localised inflammatory response to the cold that is caused within the fat cells, also known as 'Pannicultis'. Fat cells rupture at a warmer temperature than skin and healthy cells, in doing so the fat by-products are then naturally removed by the lymphatic system. These natural and non-invasive biological reactions result in a reduction of density and thickness of fat layers.

The Face Aesthetics Clinic - Cardiff Cosmetics - Skin Rejuvenation Cardiff - Medical Aesthetics Cardiff - Cryo body-sculpting Cardiff - TruCryo - KaasenLife

Benefits can include:

- Instant inch loss
- Weight loss and fat reduction
- Shape and definition
- Cellulite reduction

The 'fight or flight' response is activated giving an increase of Endorphin levels and energy. There is also a tightening of the skin due to the increased production of collagen, the reduction of inflammation and or skin conditions.

How many treatments are required?

As with all cryotherapy treatments, multiple applications provide better results. Biological reactions are cumulative, which helps your body establish a new way of storing adipose (fat) tissue enabling longer lasting effects.


15 to 30 minutes.


Cold sensation, though quite relaxing!


Can be immediate, though to achieve longer lasting results 3 to 6 treatments are recommended.


None required.


Numbness, frostnip, tingling and redness.



Results on all treatments vary from person to person and cannot be guaranteed.


It's easy to make an appointment with us. You can contact our clinic via WhatsApp on 07470 386 169 or click below.